Hello Everyone yet you wanted to skip the month of January and jump in to Feb-the most awaited and most romantic time to celebrate L.O.V.E the most beautiful feeling in the world.
That is why I have prepared something for you to prime some romantic idea for the Love Month.
First on my few list:
This handmade card - sending card isn't just a good idea, it's an obligatory romantic gesture. That you're mom, dad, sibling, your lifetime partner, your teenage lover will fall into. Just gather all the materials you can use, pour out your sentiments and end it with a twist.
The magic twist- is the message. Sometimes it isn't all about the fancy, shiny and high-tech stuff that you can offer but a piece of paper with a simple written note- IS HUGE, priceless and should be true.
Draw your heart out- don't just do things for the sake of pleasing someone, share from what is inside.
Act out- If you have the courage to say it better have the backbone to prove it. Love isn't just a word.
And that means the most to me, how about you?
be reminded that
"... it's a blessed thing to love and feel loved in return. "